This simple extension allows you to download the contents of your Shutterfly album to your computer for backup. This extension works only on shared sites created with Shutterfly. It will not work from your account in Shutterfly.
- Go to your account
- Click on the album you would like to export
- Select all pictures you would like to export
- You can do this individually to click "all" under Select option
- Click "Share"
- Choose "Post these photos to your Share site ..."
- Select "New Share site"
- Click "Post to Site"
- Fill out information about the share site.
- Simplest way is to select "Anyone with the website URL (Sign-in not required)"
- Choose "Website URL" that makes sense to you
- Complete the wizard with your preferences
- Open the share site url in Chrome
- Click on any subfolders with pictures that you have such that you see actually images appear
- Make sure to click into the album name
- Make sure to click into the album name
- If the album is available for extraction, you will see an icon in right corder the URL bar
- Click the arrow and press “Download my pictures”
- If you get a notification about downloading files, click “Allow”
- Your images should start downloading shortly. They will be downloaded into the default downloads folder.